
Market positioning

We believe that Bemobi hold a strong position in the expansion of our digital services market in emerging countries. Over the past few years, we have developed growth model (“playbook”) that we have been implementing at a steady pace, striving to generate network effects whenever possible and to utilize scale gains that justify higher expenses on R&D (research and development) to maintain a competitive edge.

In its most basic form the playbook is based on three main dimensions:

New Digital Solutions: different types of digital solutions for mobile devices can be offered to end customers through our established partnerships in order to capture cross-sell and/or upsell opportunities (e.g. digital subscriptions, microfinance, etc.).

New Partnerships and Geographies: expansion through new partnerships with companies from different industries, broadening our addressable market (e.g. new mobile phone operators, fintechs etc.)

Increase the penetration of our solutions in each partner: for each mobile solution, in each partner, a combination of our channel platform and digital campaigns can improve the penetration of our services in the established base. We have made numerous achievements in each of these vectors throughout 2021, increasing our growth potential as well as the diversification and resilience of our business.

The combination of these three pillars is the foundation of Bemobi’s sustainable growth over the past few years and their evolution is the basis for our future growth.

The greater our scale in these three pillars, more is invested in R&D in order to improve the quality of our services and the effectiveness of our channels.

We observe promising additional growth opportunities that include:


We believe that this growth strategy holds great potential, based on comparisons made between the penetration of our subscriptions in Brazil (9.1%*), the penetration of our international operations (0.6%*) and our addressable market (2.6 billion users).
* Data from 3rd quarter of 2022.


It should be noted that we have expansion opportunities not only organically, but also inorganically, the last one through acquisitions that leverage our strengths and the differentials of our current model (pure digital performance, solid B2B2C partnerships, focus on emerging countries and proprietary digital channels).

The Company concluded its initial public offering in February 2021 on the Brazilian Stock Exchange (B3) with the objective of further accelerating our organic growth in existing channels, products and services, especially outside Brazil, and enabling our inorganic growth strategy (via acquisitions), capturing the numerous existing opportunities and increasing the return to our shareholders.

It is worth noting that we are looking for Companies that complement and reinforce the same growth avenues described for our organic growth. In other words, we highlight (without limitation) companies with the following profiles: (i) companies that bring us new distribution channels or the expansion of those distribution channels already alive; (ii) complementary services to those already offered by us (payments, microfinance, games, among others); and (iii) companies located in regions that are still not explored by Bemobi.

We made advances in this agenda through the completion of two important acquisitions – M4U and Tiaxa – that will complement and strengthen the organic growth strategy currently in course.

On the one hand, M4U expands and complements the options of Microfinance and Payment services with solutions and competences in digital payment methods, recurring collection management tools, and antifraud controls, that strengthen our position in Brazil and that may be replicated in our international operations.

Tiaxa, in turn, has a very synergistic line of business with Bemobi in the segment of advance of top-up balances, where they are an international benchmark with a differentiated Credit Score model that allow us amplify the diversification from the point of view of clients (e.g. online retail companies, banks, fintechs etc.), and products (e.g. Data Monetization). Additionally, it develops several Platforms that carriers use as a service to manage their offer of digital services, messaging rules and controls, and the orchestration of campaigns. This strengthens our portfolio of Communication platforms (mailbox solutions, anti-spam, call identifier, and conversion of voice messages into text).