Analyst Coverage

Bemobi’s stocks performance is covered by the analysts and the corresponded financial institutions listed below. The Company does not warrant that this list is complete nor up to date. The information herein provided, as well its update, are subject to the authorization of the analysts and institutions.


Institution Analyst Name Email Rating Target Price
BTG Pactual Carlos Sequeira

Buy  R$30/sh
Citi Gabriel Gusan

Buy  R$21/sh
Itaú BBA Thiago Kapulskis

Buy  R$20/sh
Morgan Stanley Cesar Medina

Neutral  R$16/sh
XP Inc Bernardo Guttmann

Buy   R$25/sh


Please note that any opinions, estimates or forecasts regarding Bemobi`s performance made by these analysts and institutions are theirs alone and do not represent opinions, forecasts or predictions of Company or its management.